
Sunday 12 February 2023

Life and Work of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Before Prophethood

Life and Work of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Before Prophethood

During the Jahiliyyah era, when there was extreme debauchery, wickedness, immorality, adultery, lying, murder, plundering, drunkenness, and gambling in the land. When there was injustice-crime, strife-conflict, terror-anarchy, desperation, and lamentation, in 570 AD, the greatest great man and the last prophet of humanity appeared for the guidance of the entire world. Rasul (PBUH) is a unique mercy of God sent to the world. In the Holy Quran, Almighty Allah Rabbul Alamin says "And I have sent you as a mercy to the whole world." 


His mother's name is Amina and his father's name is Abdullah. Father died before birth, and mother died at age 6. Among the 10 sons of Abdul Muttalib Abdullah was indisputably handsome. There was always a glow on his face. He had good moral character even in the Jahiliyyah period. He was very much loved by all because of his sweetness of character, modesty, virtue, philanthropy, etc. In his youth, Abdul Muttalib vowed that if he had ten sons, he would sacrifice one of them in the courtyard of Kaaba Sharif. Fortunately, his hope was fulfilled. Once Abdul Muttalib held a lottery to fulfill his promise and Abdullah's name came up first. But other leaders of Makkah prevented it Then Abdul Muttalib played the lottery 10 times, but Abdullah's name came up ten times. In the end, Abdullah's life was saved by sacrificing 100 camels, 10 camels each time. In 569-70 AD, Abdul Muttalib consummated the marriage of his beloved youngest son Abdullah with Amina, daughter of Abdul Wahhab, leader of the Banu Zohra tribe. Hazrat Amina was one of the wisest women of her contemporary Arabia. He was unequaled in lineage, character, and education But Abdullah's marriage with Amina was short-lived.

Birth and Childhood:

Muhammad (PBUH) was born in the Banu Hashim tribe of the Quraish clan in the holy city of Mecca. According to the most popular belief, he was born on the 12th of the Arabic month of Rabiul Awal, or 29 August 570 AD. William Montgomery Watt mentions his birth as 570. However, the exact date has not been revealed. Moreover, Muhammad (PBUH) himself mentioned that he was born on  Monday, but no reliable evidence has been found regarding the date. As a result, there is wide disagreement about the date of birth of the Prophet (PBUH). Even the months are widely disputed. The research of Syed Solaiman Nadvi, Salman Mansurpuri, and Mohammad Pasha Falaki revealed that Muhammad (PBUH) was born on Monday, 9 Rabiul 571. However, the year of his birth was the 40th anniversary of Emperor Narsherwa's accession to the throne and the battle of the elephants took place. 


1. Muhammad:

Mother Amena sent this news to grandfather Abdul Muttalib immediately after the birth of Prophet Muhammad. After receiving the news, he rushed. He carried the child in his arms with great affection and entered the Kaaba. Then he praised Allah, prayed, and named the child Muhammad, meaning Praised.

2. Ahmad:

Bibi Amina was named 'Ahmad' (Highly Praised) after the name she had received during Swapnayoga during pregnancy. Both Muhammad and Ahmad were common names from childhood. Both names are mentioned in the Holy Quran.

Lactation Period:

After the birth, the first mother, Amina, then Suayba, the maidservant of Abu Lahab, gave him milk. After that, according to the custom of the time, his family started looking for a midwife. Halimatoos Chhadia, a woman of Bani Sa'd of the 'Hawazin' tribe, has this rare fortune. In such a way that no other midwife received the child Muhammad and on the other hand, Halima also did not receive any other child. As a result, they were forced to accept Muhammad (PBUH). Ever since the acceptance, the flow of blessings began in Halima's house. After two years of breastfeeding, Bibi Halima came to her mother with the baby Muhammad and at the same time expressed her desire that the baby is allowed to stay with her for a few more days. Meanwhile, an epidemic was going on in Makkah. Thinking both ways, Bibi Amena returns her baby to Halima. In this way, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was brought up till the age of five years. There he grazed goats in the forest with his milk brothers.

Cleanliness of Heart (Chest Opening)

According to an authentic narration, the holy chest of the Prophet (PBUH) was split open twice.

The first time, at the age of four, while in the pasture with his brother Abdullah. In the fourth or fifth year of birth after coming to Halimah, the miraculous event of sina chak or thoracic rupture of the baby Muhammad (pbuh) took place. The point was that Muhammad (PBUH) was playing with other companions. At that time the angel Gabriel came and took him far away and cut his chest. Then he took out the liver and washed it with the water of Jamam and threw out some clotted blood and said, 'This is part of Satan that was in you'. Then he disappeared after folding his chest as before. The whole thing is done very quickly. Mate BAcchara ran and informed Halima that Muhammad had been killed. Hearing this, Halima and her husband came running there, very anxious and restless. When he arrived, he noticed the look of dirtiness and distress on Muhammad's face. In this condition, they brought him home. The second time the chest was split open on the night of Mi'raj at the Ka'ba at Hatim.

Bukhari Ha/3887, 349; Muslim Ha/164, 163; Mishkat ha/5862, 5864, 'Mi'raj' para. (Siraat Ibn Hisham)

Muhammad (PBUH) at His Home:

Halima and her husband were frightened by the incident of chest rupture at the midwife Halima's house. Although the child Muhammad (PBUH) did not show any reaction in this incident nor did he get sick. He could not explain the Halima and Swami incident. They were concerned for the safety of Muhammad (PBUH) and returned the baby Muhammad to his mother. Muhammad (PBUH) stayed with his mother for six years.

Death of Mother:

Muhammad (PBUH) returned to his mother after 4/5 years in the house of midwife Halima. Mother Amina loved the fatherless child with everything. Meanwhile, mother Amina went to Medina with her son to meet her relatives and visit her husband's grave. He stayed with Muhammad (PBUH) for some time in Medina. Their companion on this journey was the maid Umm Ayman. When he left for Makkah with his maidservant Umm Ayman to visit the grave of Shabir, mother Amina suddenly became very ill after arriving at a place called Madana between Makkah and Madinah. In 576 AD, mother Amina died at that place when Muhammad (PBUH) was 6 years old. Then the fatherless child Muhammad (PBUH) returned to Makkah with his maidservant Umm Ayman.

Mohammad (PBUH) under the supervision of Grand Father:

Grand father Abdul Muttalib, the chief leader of Makkah, took charge of the child Muhammad (PBUH), who was fatherless before birth and motherless at the age of six. Mourning the death of his daughter-in-law, Muhyaman Abdul Muttalib continued to cherish Muhammad (PBUH) with genuine love and utmost compassion. But even this shelter did not last long in 578 AD when Muhammad's grandfather Abdul Muttalib died when he was eight years old. Before his death, Abdul Muttalib bequeathed his son Abu Taleb to his nephew Muhammad (PBUH).

Muhammad (PBUH) under the supervision of his uncle Abu Talib.

After the death of his parents and grandfather, uncle Abu Talib took over the supervision of Mohammad Sallah Salam. Uncle Abu Taleb cared for Mohammad Sallah Salam more than his children and was vigilant about his safety. Abu Talib was not a student. Abu Talib was not financially sound. Even then, he did not neglect his nephew's responsibility The boy Muhammad Sallam understood his uncle's financial difficulties, that's why he used to help his uncle's family and business at a very young age, grazing goats in the field, sometimes he grazed other goats for a fee.

Childhood Miracles:

Narrated by Zulhama Ibn Arfatah of Ibn Asaq, I came to Makkah People were in dire straits due to famine The people of Quraish told Abu Taleb that the valley of Makkah is suffering from famine Our children are starving Come on, pray for rain Abu Talib went out with a boy The boy looked like the sun covered with clouds There were other boys around Abu Taleb took the boy's hand and made him sit with his back against the wall of the Kaaba The boy held Abu Taleb's fingers At that time there was not a cloud in the sky, but clouds began to appear from here and there and rain began to fall in such torrents that the whole valley became wet and the city came alive. Abu Talib later referred to this incident saying 'He is handsome, rain is expected by the blessing of his face. He is the refuge of orphans and the protector of widows.'

Zarzis or Buhaira's prophecy:

After the death of the guardian grandfather Abdul Muttalib, the responsibility of Muhammad (PBUH) was entrusted to uncle Abu Talib. Child Muhammad (PBUH) grew up in uncle Abu Talib's house. Uncle Abu Taleb loved Muhammad (PBUH) more than his own son and was very conscious of his safety. The boy Muhammad (PBUH) used to help his uncle with various tasks. Muhammad (PBUH) arrived in Syria at the age of 12 when Abu Talib was on a business trip to Syria.


Muhammad (PBUH) traveled outside Arabia for the first time. On his way to Syria, the priest Buhayra paid particular attention to this caravan coming from Mecca. He invited this caravan. Muhammad (pbuh) met the priest Jarjis alias Buhaira when Abu Talib accepted the priest's invitation.

The priest Buhaira/Jarjis kept asking the boy Muhammad (PBUH) various questions. By seeing and talking to the far-seeing cleric boy Muhammad (PBUH), he recognizes that this boy will be the long-awaited final prophet. He will destroy paganism from the whole world including Arabia. The world will establish the Oneness of God Almighty. Turban Buhaira Muhammad Salah Salam not to be taken to Syria. He advised Abu Talib that the Jewish Christians there could harm him. On their advice, Abu Talib sent him to Makkah.

Harbul Fujjar (The war of sin)

The horrors of the battle of Harbul Fozza between the Quraish and Qays clans of Makkah centered on the Uqaz Mela made the Holy Prophet (PBUH) uneasy. He established a peace committee to protect the poor, weak, helpless, and oppressed people from the oppressors and the powerful rich and to maintain peace in Arabia. Known in history as the "Hillful Fujul" or Shanti Sangha, Muhammad (PBUH) was 15/25 years old. War broke out between the tribes of Quraysh and Qais due to their old enmity. Quraysh was on the right side in this battle. Muhammad (pbuh) went to battle on behalf of Quraysh. But he didn't hurt anyone. Quraysh won the battle. This war is called Fizer's War.

Hillful Fojool:

Hillful Fujul is a Sangha special. It means the vow of goodness. Hilf means oath, pledge, agreement, etc. The word Fuzul is the plural of Fazilat. meaning well-being, welfare, etc. The word "hilful fuzul" means "peaceful association". According to some, many of those who were involved in the establishment of this organization was named Fazal, the plural of Fazal is Fojool, hence the name of the organization was Hilful Fojool or association of people named Fazal.

It was founded by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at the age of 20/25 or in 590/95. Again, someone says that it was established in 587 by the initiative of the Prophet (PBUH). The Prophet (PBUH) formulated it to bring welfare to the society.

Its main purpose was:

  1. Helping the poor, the destitute, and the orphans;

  2. Establishing social peace and order;

  3. stop the bloody war;

  4. Recently established sects among different clans;

  5. Providing security for foreign tourists and merchants;

  6. Stopping the oppressor

  7. Helping the oppressed, etc.

Settlement of disputes about Hazar al Aswad (The Black Stone):

Once the Kaaba was damaged and its walls were broken due to the torrential water flowing from the mountain Due to lack of repair for several years, the Kaaba became dilapidated When it needed urgent repairs, the Quraish started repairing the Kaaba At this time, Hazare Aswad was removed and kept aside. After the renovation of the Kaaba house was completed, there was a conflict between each tribe about keeping Hazare Aswad in its proper place. Because every tribe was eager to carry out the work of placing this revered stone in its proper place, Abu Umayyah ibn al-Mughira made a proposal that the first person to enter the Kaaba tomorrow would be entrusted with the task of solving the problem. Everyone agrees Then it was seen that young Muhammad (PBUH) was coming forward very slowly Everyone was very happy with this, they found the right person to solve the problem. Muhammad (pbuh) was entrusted with the task of settling disputes regarding stone placement Now Muhammad Sallam ordered to bring a chador Then when the sheet is brought, he puts the Hazare Aswad in the middle of the sheet with his own hand Then Vibdaman ordered the chief of each tribe to carry the stone to its proper place by holding it round the cloth. When the stone was taken away by all the patriarchs, Mohammad Salah Salam placed the stone in its proper place in the Kaaba Sharif with his own hands. Everyone was happy with this and a bloody conflict was avoided

Gaining the title of Al Amin:

Muhammad's honesty, justice, humanitarianism, and trustworthiness were unquestionable from childhood. From his childhood, the Arabs noticed that Muhammad (PBUH) never lied, and when a deposit was kept, he kept it faithfully. He never broke his promise Because of all these qualities, these noble Arabs also gave the title of Al-Amin, or the faithful to Hazrat Muhammad SAW. A burning proof of Muhammad's trustworthiness and faithfulness is the night of his Hijrah. That night he kept Hazrat Ali lying on his bed to explain to Mabiq the deposits collected by him. And directed the deposits to be duly delivered the next day Even in this difficult moment of life and death, his faithfulness did not lack at all

Muhammad (PBUH) a shepherd boy and businessman

As a young man, Muhammad had no profession. However, many have mentioned that he used to graze goats. Usually, the goats he grazed were of the Bani Sa'd tribe. He used to graze the goats of various people living in Makkah for a fee of a few kirats. Then he started in the business. Within a short period of time, Muhammad achieved great success in business. He visited Syria, Basra, Bahrain, and Yemen several times on business. The aristocratic and wealthy woman Khadija used to trade goods with various people and she would take a share of the profits. The honesty, truthfulness, and faithfulness of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were well-known then. Al-Amin, hearing the praise of Assakin, sent him a business proposal. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) agreed and Muhammad accepted this offer and went to Basra in Syria with Khadija's goods. At the end of the business, he explained everything with a lot of profit.

Marriage with Khadija (RA):

Khadijah was overwhelmed by her merchant servant Maisara's praise of Muhammad's (pbuh) honesty and integrity. Besides, seeing the success of the business, he was also informed about his qualifications. At one point she decided to marry Muhammad. She is his girlfriend Nafisa bint expressed her thoughts about marriage to Munabihar. After listening to Nafisa, Muhammad says that he will talk to her guardians. Muhammad spoke to his uncles and consented to the marriage. Khadija was 40 and Muhammad was 25 at the time of marriage. As long as he was alive, the Prophet (PBUH) never felt the need for another marriage. After that, he married a total of 11 for ideological needs and for various benefits of the women's society. Two predeceased him and he was married to nine.

Khadijah gave birth to Muhammad (pbuh) six children, including four girls and two boys. Their names are Qasim, Zainab, Ruqaiya, Umm Kulsoom, Fatima, and Abdullah respectively. Both sons died in infancy. All of the girls reached the Islamic age and embraced Islam, and all died in her lifetime except Fatima.

Life of Muhammad

Life of Muhammad

Life of Muhammad

Life of Muhammad

Md. Billal Hossain

B.A. Honors (1st Class 4th), M.A. (1st Class 2nd), University of Dhaka

BCS General Education


Department of Islamic History & Culture

Chandpur Govt. College, Chandpur.

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